
The primary purpose of the Texas Occupational Therapy Foundation (TOTF) is to promote scholarship and research in occupational therapy in Texas.
Research is defined as a systematic study directed toward fuller scientific knowledge or understanding of the subject studied and includes all research activity, both basic and applied.
Recent Awards were made to:
Sarah Elkington, MS, OTR, CNT, CIMI
University of Texas at El Paso
Doctoral Candidate
Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Ph.D. Program
Project Title: Neonatal Therapists’ Perceptions of Using Integrated Collaborative Care in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
One-year award: $5000.00
Anne Sullivan, MOT, OTR
PhD Candidate
Texas Woman’s University
Project Title: Transition to Adulthood: Executive functions and independent living skills in autism spectrum disorder
One-year award: $4750.00
Program Funding
The TOTF grants are supported by funds received from annual TOTF fundraising events. Awards will be limited to $5,000 and will be awarded each year at a TOTF event during the annual Texas Occupational
Therapy Association (TOTA) conference.
If you are interested in applying download the application and instructions here: